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Digital Jounalism Product

Digital Journalism Product

After gathering all our information we neede to decide what we were going to do our video on we had a couple of different options like interviewing people on the streets, a radio interview or screen recording of interviewing people on their phones through screen recordings, We decided to go with the third option because we thought it showed how addicted people were to their phones and how we cant interview people face to face because we are so addicted to our phones. After we got screen recordings we added them all to premiere pro and edited them and cut out all the unesccesary parts that we didn't think was important to our video. While we made the video we also worked on a powerpoint to go with our video but soon realised that we didn't need a powerpoint and we just neede a video but it was too late so all the information we gathered for our powerpoint was useless and wasnt added to ur video and we should have read the brief more carefully so we knew what we were doing. But it was too late because we already submitted the video and we didn't read it carefully and saw it neede narration and we knew we wouldn't get high marks because we didn't have a lot of the things that the video needed we made many mistakes and knew hat marks weren't going to be what we were hoping for


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